Pohjois-Karjalan sovittelutoimisto Englanti

North Karelia
Mediation Office

In the province of North Karelia, the arrangement of mediation services is the responsibility of the North Karelia Mediation Office. The Office is situated at the marketplace, in the middle of the city of Joensuu. The Mediation Office and individual mediators are available for advice on further treatment of the case and the legal proceedings involved.

Siltakatu 14 B 15
Fax +358 13 285 449

Leena Sopanen, Bureau Chief 
Tel. +358 40 841 4415, leena.sopanen@sovittelu.fi

Minna Kosonen, Mediation Advisor
Tel. +358 50 439 1678, minna.kosonen@sovittelu.fi

Kaisa Mård, Mediation Advisor
Tel. +358 50 439 1677, kaisa.mard@sovittelu.fi

Pohjois-Karjalan sovittelutoimisto

The North Karelia Mediation Office is administered by the Great Lakes District of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare. The general administration, guidance, and supervision of the mediation services are the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

The duty of the provincial advisory board of mediation is to monitor the development of mediation work in the province, to promote cooperation among the different interest groups, and to support the work of the Mediation Office. The board is chaired by Mr. Matti Tolvanen, Professor of Criminal and Procedural Law.